Dear friends
In this incredible, unpredictable and also exhausting times we momentary live in … I’m very glad that I can announce that my lattes book was finally translated into English.
I hope you will enjoy it!
Being Human in the Now.
Conversations with the soul of my sister Ajra

Published in the UK by InterActions
120 pages, ISBN 9780 952836469
Price: £12.00
In US the book will distribute: SteinerBooks
Two sisters, closely connected, both active on the spiritual path, both with the ability to translate the spiritual world into words… and then one of them dies.
Ten years later they explore a new connection, and through the conversation that follows we gain new visions into what it means to be human. The insights into the afterlife show us how helpful it is when we finally include this part of the soul’s path in our view of life. Departed souls are eager to work more closely with incarnated human beings on present and future challenges, with the interactions bringing potential for deep healing and fertilisation — in both directions.
The themes the two sisters cover in their conversations are direct, detailed and breathtakingly lively and highly topical. They include the increasing difficulties souls encounter in crossing the threshold as influenced by our life decisions on earth, from our materialistic orientations, suicides, to various medications — including the serious and disturbing soul effects coming from the new mRNA vaccines through their ability to penetrate a ‘divine script’ of our body—and what is needed for healing.
The insights Ajra offers on the deep significance and potential of love as a source of strength and growth for our earth incarnations is greatly inspiring, as well as her descriptions of the earth’s own potential for development as a spiritually radiating living being which we can learn to interact with.
Pozdravljeni dragi prijatelji
Z veseljem najavljam, da je izšel prevod moje zadnje knjige:
BITI ČLOVEK – ZDAJ. Pogovor z dušo moje sestre Ajre

Knjiga je izšla pri Društvu za sožitje človeka, narave in prostora VITAAA.
ISBN 978-961-95342-1-2
Cena: 15 €
Knjigo lahko napročite na: www.vitaaa.net
Sestri, tesno povezani, obe aktivno na duhovni poti, obe s sposobnostjo prevajati duhovni svet v besede… in nato ena od njiju umre.
Deset let kasneje pride do ponovne povezave med njima in tako dobimo povsem nove vpoglede v človeško bit – neposredno, podrobno, neverjetno živo in povsem aktualno, celo do globoko segajočih posledic cepljenja proti koroni za dušo. Vse to nam odpre vrata v nepoznane prostore življenja in povabljeni smo vstopiti.
Novi vpogledi v življenje po življenju nam pokažejo, v kakšno pomoč nam je, če končno vključimo ta del dušne poti v našo sliko življenja.
S to knjigo doživimo globoko obogatitev bivanja tukaj in onkraj.